Extra Run: Supreme Leader Biden*
All that was missing from Herr Biden*s speech were swastikas hanging above the two Marines.
Here’s some coverage of what Biden* said last night.
Before his Speech:

Biden*s Speech:

Tucker Carlson Takes on the Evil in Joe Biden's Speech

WH Fires Back at Journalists Who Call Biden Speech ‘Political,’ Uses Media’s Own Reporting Against Them
You Know It Backfired Badly: Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech

Biden Says Trumpism Is America’s Sickness, But Leftist Cancer Is What’s Really Killing Us
Joe Biden delivers “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history”
Imagine if a Conservative Had Given a Divisive Speech Like Joe Biden
Biden’s Sinister ‘Soul Of The Nation’ Speech Wasn’t His First Attempt To Target Political Opponents
Biden’s ‘Democracy’ Lecture Reminded Americans How Relentlessly Democrats Undermine It

From the Left:
Pelosi Statement on President Biden’s Address on Defending Democracy
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after President Joe Biden addressed the need to defend Democracy from urgent threats posed by the extreme MAGA Republican Party:
“President Biden, in his inspiring and optimistic remarks tonight, made crystal clear that our rights, our freedom and our Democracy are on the line. Every American who cares about the integrity of our Democracy, the fairness of our economy, the safety of our communities and the health of our planet is grateful to the President for his values-based vision and patriotic leadership.
“In the Congress and across the country, extreme MAGA Republicans are orchestrating a sinister campaign. From criminalizing women's health care to ending Social Security and Medicare to undermining our elections, the GOP is working to turn back the clock on many of our most fundamental liberties while fanning the flames of violence and division.
"In stark contrast, under the strong leadership of President Biden, Democrats have powered progress for America’s families. With our landmark laws to bring down costs, create better paying jobs and build safer communities, Democrats are demonstrating that Democracy can continue to deliver.
“The American people are rejecting Republicans’ extreme MAGA agenda – instead, choosing Democrats’ unifying vision of People Over Politics.”

Get the Popcorn: Don Lemon's Defense of Biden's Despicable Attacks May Just Get Him Booted
How Bad Was Biden’s Oppressive Stage Presence? CNN Altered the Video Feed to Soften the Dire Visuals

CNN Calls out Biden's Use of Marines in Speech, Left Goes Wild in Response
White House Officials Cry Uncontrollably After Mild Criticism of Biden's Norm-Breaking Speech
Jonathan Turley Blasts the Most 'Glaring Element' of Biden's Unhinged Attack Against Trump and MAGA
From the Right:

HOT TAKES: Trump and Others Rip Apart Biden's Backfire of a Speech

‘MAGA Republicans’ Sound Off After Being Called a Foundational Threat to America
The Great #PedoHitler Meme Storm
Dear Biden* and the Democrats:
Great compilation - tweeted out.