Wrapping up Biden*s failed trip to the Middle East.
Biden Gets Mocked as Saudis Sweep the Leg out From Under His Claims

But the Saudis even crushed that, sweeping the leg out from under Biden’s claim, making it clear that there were no concrete “further steps.”
A joint statement after the event, released by Saudi Arabia, made no mention of oil supply increases but said the two countries “renewed their commitment towards the stability of global energy markets” and that the US “welcomed the kingdom’s commitment to support balance in the global oil market”.

Saudi Crown Prince MBS Drops a Little Truth on Biden About His Energy Policies and Inflation
But now, MBS is speaking out about their meeting. As we had previously reported, the Saudis swept the leg out from under Biden’s claims about oil, making it clear that there was no commitment to produce anything more. MBS basically confirmed that , saying they were already almost tapped out on how much more they could produce. We had already reported that French President Emmanuel Macron told Biden the Saudis couldn’t produce much more. But that didn’t stop Biden from going — hat in hand anyway — to Saudi Arabia, rather than taking the boot off the neck of our domestic energy industries.
MBS also made comments that sounded like he was scolding Joe Biden and his policies.
“Adopting unrealistic policies to reduce emissions by excluding main sources of energy will lead in coming years to unprecedented inflation and an increase in energy prices, and rising unemployment and a worsening of serious social and security problems,” Prince Mohammed said.
"Saudi crown prince says unrealistic energy policies will lead to higher inflation." 💯 We are living that now. reuters.com/world/middle-e…The de facto ruler of the world’s top oil exporter said COVID-19 and the “geopolitical situation” necessitated more joint efforts to support the global economy and that the transition to sustainable energy sources required a “realistic and responsible” approach.
It doesn’t sound like MBS thinks that it was due to Republicans or Vladimir Putin. And whatever else you can say about him, it surely sounds like, unfortunately, he has a much clearer view of what is needed for energy security and lowering inflation than Joe Biden does. How concerning is that when he seems to get it more than the guy who’s supposed to be doing all he can for our country — but isn’t?
White House Falsifies Transcript of Biden's Remarks at Saudi Presser

'Dems in Disarray' in Full Swing as Adam Schiff Goes Rogue on Joe Biden in a Very Public Way

(French President Macron Tells Biden Begging Saudi Arabia For More Oil Won’t Work)
In the above video, Biden says the US won’t leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia and Iran. Yet Saudi Arabia is looking at joining BRICS.
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt may join BRICS soon
Three more countries set to join BRICS - official
Saudi Arabia Might Join BRICS as Western Ideologues Reorder the World
Here is coverage of Biden*s Trip to the Middle East from this weeks Runovers:
Joe Biden Experiences Immediate Confusion in Israel Before Insulting Holocaust Victims

👀Biden Gets Snippy With Reporter in Israel, Hilariously Makes Gaffe Building up GOP👀
Joe Biden Trips Over His 'List of Names' Again, Brazenly Lies About Donald Trump

Biden Begs The Middle East Nation He Called A ‘Pariah’ To Give Us Oil After He Throttled U.S. Energy
The trip represents an about-face from the president who campaigned in 2019 on making the Saudi state out to be ‘the pariah that they are.’
Biden Manages to Insult Our Allies in Multiple Gaffes in East Jerusalem
He’s all over the place👆. In the above link, Biden* shook hands with the President of Palestine, but bumps fists with Israel and Saudi Arabia’s leaders.
More from East Jerusalem:
(Perfect theme song for Biden*)
President Biden Pledges Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Terrorist-Sponsoring Palestinian Regime

Joe Biden Says ‘Ground Is Not Ripe at This Moment’ for Two-State Solution in the Middle East
Joe Biden Makes Incredible Gaffe About ‘Sending Covid-19’ to West Bank and Gaza
President Biden Provokes Covid Concerns with Coughing Fit at East Jerusalem Hospital

This is at another presser in East Jerusalem:
Biden says US insists on ‘full’ accountability over slain Al Jazeera reporter

Biden Blows It Again on Useless Middle East Trip

Biden Goes to Saudi Arabia With Hat in Hand and Proves in Presser He's Returning With Only the Hat

As Biden asks Saudis for oil help, US energy reps say they're tired of 'vilification'
Biden lands in Saudi, country he vowed to make ‘pariah’
Joe Biden's Brain Goes Haywire in the Middle East, and That's the Least of His Worries

Saudi Crown Prince MBS Laughs at Biden to His Face as He Begs ‘Pariah’ State for More Oil
Biden Get Nailed With Khashoggi Questions as Handlers Get Aggressive With Press
Best read in full.👆
Biden continues to prove to the world that he is unfit. News said the Sauds would up production in July Aug, except then we hear they are already at max? The handshake/fistbump is an embarrassment produced as a byproduct of stupid remarks followed by a press eager to make a small thing into a very big thing. Biden should have shaken the hand. Did anybody think MBS was going to confess? Besides who knows if the CIA is right and does it really matter? The US has likely done much worse but we don't talk about that.